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Red Cross blood drive helps with winter needs

The American Red Cross held its immediate need winter blood drive Monday afternoon at the Mahoning Valley Ambulance Hall on Old Mill Road. The goal was 15 units collected or 25 people donating. The drive began at 1 p.m. with 11 call-in appointments. Five walk-ins were also registered by 1:30 p.m.

Slatington resident Sandra Marshall said she donates to help people."They always need blood, especially in the wintertime," she said.Phlebotomist Lucy Temperine of Dallas, Pennsylvania, has worked for the Red Cross for nine years."I love this job, I get to travel and meet a lot of great people," she said. "I don't get bored in an office. It's very gratifying."Temperine took a pint of blood from donor Patricia Berger of Lehighton. Berger has donated over 4 gallons of blood throughout the years."It's for a good cause," she said. "Our soldiers need it."Pretzels are Berger's go-to provided snack after the last drop has been drawn.The process can take up to an hour. Appointments are encouraged to cut down on wait time. For more information on the next blood drive or to find out about volunteer opportunities, call 800-RED-CROSS or visit


Phlebotomist Lucy Temperine gets Patricia Berger's vein ready for donation. KELLY ANDRADE/TIMES NEWS