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Brothers honored for volunteering as firefighters

Two brothers, with more than 100 years of combined service as volunteer firefighters, were honored by family and friends recently at West Coplay Maennerchor in Whitehall.

Now in their 70s, Dale and Allen Rex are still active members of Star Hose Fire Company No. 1 in Emerald. They were surprised the dinner was held in their honor. The men thought they were just attending the annual Christmas party.Volunteer firefighter Chad Christman said the only way they could keep the guys away from the hall was to tell them a funeral reception was going on and they couldn't get in until 6:30 p.m."If we didn't tell them that, they would have been here at 5 o'clock to help set up," Christman said.Keith Kibler, the fire chief at the fire company, said, "You can't tell them what to do. We have had to tell Dale not to climb a ladder at a fire." He's 76 years old.Although surprised, the brothers admitted they thought something was strange when they pulled up and saw so many cars there."I thought maybe there was a bowling tournament going on," Dale Rex said.The brothers began their long history in firefighting in the 1960s. A resident of Emerald, Dale started volunteering at Star Hose shortly after he came home from the military in 1964. In 1979, he was appointed fire chief and held that position until resigning in 2004. Currently, he is the department's safety officer, which means he is in charge of making sure everyone has their gear, checks the scene for hot spots and makes sure the burned structure isn't at risk of collapsing, Kibler explained."His dedication is what drives the fire station," he said.Dale's son Mike Rex said his father is "a great guy. He'd do anything for you. He's always up at the firehouse."Rex said he also served as a volunteer firefighter, but gave it up because of the devastation he has seen."It's nice to know that there are people who are willing to help," he said. "Unless it's church or something, (his dad) is going. He deserves (the honor). He really does."Dale's younger brother, Allen Rex, of Berlinsville, joined Springside Fire Company No. 3 in Slatington and was a member there for about 25 years.Over those years, he served as a deputy chief. Eventually, Dale won over his brother to Star Hose.Allen's daughter Christine Applegate said her father's example showed her the importance of being involved in the community."He's always served," she said. "As soon as they were called, he would go."Applegate's brother Allen Jr. said, "They dedicated their lives to the community. They genuinely care about what goes on with the fire company and the community."Firefighter Chad Christman said, "I look up to them as to what a fireman is supposed to be."Fire Chief Kibler said, "I cherish having them. They are two of the most dedicated, hardworking, compassionate men around. Everything about then revolves around their families. I consider them very close friends."In addition to honors from the fire department, the men's service was also recognized by U.S. Rep. Charlie Dent, state Rep. Julie Harhart and the Pennsylvania Office of the State Fire Commissioner.When disasters happen, it's the first responders who are there. They are "where the rubber meets the road," Dent said. In Washington D.C., lawmakers are "at the 60,000-foot level," removed from the issues affecting first responders.Dent said he chose to attend the dinner because, "We thought it was important to celebrate their years of dedicated service. They've been doing this for more than 50 years, and they're still doing it."Dale said he enjoys the camaraderie at the fire house. As a fire chief, one standard he kept was "You don't tell your men to do anything you wouldn't do."Allen said there have been long days and nights over the years he has served as a firefighter, but "to save someone's property or life is all worth it."

From left, U.S. Rep. Charlie Dent presented plaques to Allen Rex and Dale Rex at a dinner Friday night held in their honor. Each of the brothers have served as volunteer firefighters for more than 50 years. Dale Rex had been the fire chief at Star Hose Fire Company No. 1 in Emerald from 1979 to 2004. Allen had served as deputy fire chief at Springside Fire Company No. 3 in Slatington before joining his brother at Star Hose. KRISTINE PORTER/TIMES NEWS