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Slatington receives one bid for landscaping work

Slatington's Human/Community Services Committee is looking to spruce up Main Street with new foliage. The committee received only one landscaping reply for a request sent earlier in the season. Slatington local Josh's Nursery and Landscaping sent an estimate of $3,850 to replace 11 of the trees along Main Street and trim the remaining few.

"He's willing to guarantee the trees as long as the crew doesn't dump weed killer on the base," Committee Chairman David Schnaars said.Schnaars requested the quote be added to next year's budget. The second landscape project will be paid for with this year's budgeted money. A $600 quote by the same company was given to the committee for the reshaping of two pear trees located at Borough Hall."We need to do it right away. There are two power lines running through those branches and they are in danger of breaking."