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Tamaqua adopts suicide prevention policy

A suicide awareness prevention and response policy has been adopted in the Tamaqua Area School District.

On a 7-0 measure, with directors Dr. Thomas Rottet and Daniel Schoener absent, the school board on Tuesday agreed to adopt the policy.The policy is mandated by the state.On June 26, 2014, Act 71 was signed into law in Pennsylvania.The law specifically requires school entities to adopt a youth suicide awareness and prevention policy, and provide ongoing professional development in youth suicide awareness, as well as prevention for professional educators in buildings that serve students in grades six through 12.Copiers purchasedAlso on Tuesday, the board approved the purchase of three copiers from Stratix Systems, of Wyomissing, at a cost not to exceed $44,000, using state contract pricing.Two of the copiers are for elementary schools, while the other is for the middle school.The funds for the copiers were included in the district's 2014-15 budget.