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Taking shape

Dirt may be the primary sight during a drive past Lehighton Area School District's multipurpose stadium, but for district officials, the final product is coming into focus.

The $6.3 million facility is expected to be completed by late November or early December.CMG of Easton, the general construction contractor, is on-site four days each week and uses Friday as a makeup day depending on the weather."We're real excited about the progress," Superintendent Jonathan Cleaver said during a tour of the construction site Wednesday. "There has been a lot of positive support for this project, and right now it remains on schedule."The stadium will be located between the administration building and the high school. In addition to the artificial turf field, the project includes construction of a visitor and home grandstand, press box, 62-foot by 260-foot field house, 42-foot by 74-foot restroom/maintenance building, and a 119-vehicle paved parking lot.Most recently at the site, CMG has stripped topsoil from the field house and track area, spread excess soil south and west of the high school, graded an emergency access driveway west of the field house, installed a concrete curb on the inside of the track for use when attaching artificial turf, and started to assemble one of two stormwater detention systems."It is definitely starting to take shape," Cleaver said. "The way CMG works is incredible. Their earth-moving equipment actually runs off GPS. Technology is really driving this project."Everything dug up at the site is separated and recycled, including rubber from the track and asphalt. Excess fill was used to level other ground adjacent to the stadium."We were able to make a new band field down the back for practice," Cleaver said. "The opportunities have gone beyond just the stadium here."Turf delivery will begin the week after Labor Day. CMG estimates it will take eight days to install the field, which is being manufactured by A-Turf.Bleachers will take two weeks to install. Unlike the current stadium, Lehighton's home bleachers will be on the west side of the field.In addition to excavation, Wednesday's work included framing for the track and field team's long jump pits, drainage for the field's irrigation system, and plumbing for the field house.Other upcoming parts of the project include running underground electric from the field house to the maintenance building, pouring concrete floors at the field house and maintenance building, and receiving masonry materials for the field house.CMG is using local companies such as Palmerton Lumber, Rock Hill Concrete and Motola's Paving."I think that's great because it's money going back into the local economy," said Joe Hauser, Lehighton's building and grounds supervisor.Wayne Wentz, athletic committee chairman, said he's most proud of the fact that the facility will be handicap accessible, something that was a struggle at the current stadium near Lehighton Middle School."People with a disability will finally be able to come and enjoy games," he said.There will also be devices available for hearing-impaired individuals.The field won't be completed in time for the fall sports season, but Cleaver said the intent is for spring sports teams to use the facility."Our track and field meets will be there in the spring," he said. "Some of our seniors on our fall sports teams really wanted to play on the field, but we've told them weather permitting we'll hold graduation out there."Wentz said the stadium isn't just for football or even Lehighton's other athletic teams.The district has already met with booster club teams about using the field.There will also be school band concerts and other community events.The track will also be open to the public.

Work is pro­gress­ing at Le­high­ton Area School District's mul­ti­pur­pose ath­let­ic sta­di­um. CMG of Eas­ton is mov­ing dirt in an­tici­pa­tion of the de­liv­ery of an ar­ti­fi­cial turf field sur­face the week af­ter Labor Day. JARRAD HEDES/TIMES NEWS