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Palmerton Community News

Blood drive

Miller-Keystone Blood Center's community blood drive on May 4 drew 59 registrants. It was sponsored by Joyce Martin, Nancy Nothstein and Paula Semmel in memory of Jean Behler, a longtime blood drive volunteer.The following donors reached various gallon levels: Kyle Ahner, 11 gallons; Richard Bobal, 8 gallons; Robert Stevenson, 6 gallons (in Palmerton); Mary Eckhart, 5 gallons; William Hayes and Shirley Kuntz, 4 gallons; William Gallagher, 3 gallons; Brent Green, 1 gallon.Volunteers play an important part in conducting a blood drive. The following people helped with this drive: Pam Andrews, George Ashman, Cathi Balk, Mary Beth Beers, Romaine Biege, Harry Brown, Marian Carty, Jane Cervenak, Mary Davison, Marie Dombrosky, Thomasine Falcone, Linda Finley, Jean Fritzinger, Shirley Greene, Beverly Hargreaves, Anita Harry, "Bif" Hayes, Cindy Heimbach, Rosanne Heydt, Marian Hoffner, Bernice Kleintop, Nancy Kresge, Helen Nonnemaker, Darlene and Richard Nothstein, Sue Olivia, Carol Papay, Evelyn Plechavy, Marge Porambo, Gwen Rodrigues, Terri Sebelin, Betty Steigerwalt, Susan Steigerwalt, Mary Taschler, Tara Wargo, and Brenda Wentz.Miller's next community visit in Palmerton will be on July 13.