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Traffic deaths in Pennsylvania hit an all-time low in 2014

HARRISBURG. (AP) - Traffic deaths in Pennsylvania hit an all-time low last year.

State transportation officials say car crashes killed 1,195 people in 2014. That's the lowest number since recordkeeping began 87 years ago.

PennDOT statistics released Wednesday show drunk-driving deaths declined 14 percent from 2013. Fatalities involving hit trees and unbuckled travelers also decreased.

However, data also showed increased deaths in crashes involving hit utility poles; drowsy or sleeping drivers; and drivers 65 and over.

Officials say they've invested $50 million over the past five years for road safety improvements like rumble strips.

PennDOT also unveiled a website for searching accident and traffic fatality data. The Pennsylvania Crash Information Tool can be found at

http://dotcrashinfo.pa.gov .