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'Shrek, the Musical' Pleasant Valley opens stage version of hit animated movie

Pleasant Valley High School students will be performing the Broadway musical, "Shrek," Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. in the high school auditorium.

Directed by Dan and Marcie Mulligan, it is based on the 2001 animated film featuring the voices of Mike Myers and Eddie Murphy.The Broadway adaptation tells the story of a grumpy green ogre named Shrek (Doug Stangl), who learned to despise others due to a lifetime of mocking and ridiculing.When a large group of fairytale creatures are evicted from their homes and relocated to his isolated swamp, Shrek is forced to confront Lord Farquaad (Nathaniel Rhoads) who ordered the eviction.On the way, he meets up with a chatty donkey named Donkey (Luis Silva) who teaches him what true friendship is all about.Farquaad makes a deal with Shrek to rescue the Princess Fiona (Angelica Ramirez) who has been locked up in a tower under the watchful eye of a dragon (Amina Jones)."'Shrek, the Musical' delivers a wonderful message of compassion, friendship and love through the story of Shrek, Fiona and Donkey," Dan Mulligan said.That hopeful message is echoed by a colorful group of fairytale creatures including Pinocchio (Kurt Ammermann), Gingy-the Gingerbread Man (Alyssa Ramsey), Sugar Plum Fairy (Hayley Blanding), Wolf (Marcell McKenzie), and the Wicked Witch (Regan Welkey).Cast members also include Papa Bear (Gary Klak), Mama Bear (Elizabeth Gillen), Baby Bear (Grace Trebour), Ugly Duckling (Victoria Lindner), Pied Piper (Kacey Burrus), Peter Pan (Jacob Westerman) and Teen Fiona (Deanna Kahn).Additional fairytale creatures and guards are played by Lizz Eberhardt, Alyssa Irving, Elizabeth Larregui, Callie-Ann Linares, Kristian Henrickson Shea, Dylan Firestone, Erin Tortora, Mike Lamberti and Sydney Schrack.As well as Belle Scarpone, Amber Harrison, Justin Edwards, Brianna Barth, Lisa Bretzger, Alyssa Bennet, Kristin Haydt, Amanda Hoag and Lindsey Mitchell."This year's musical has over 80 students involved including our 45-member cast, our 20-member orchestra, and our 15-member stage crew," Mulligan added.John DeVivo will direct the performance.Tickets for the production are $5 for adults and $3 for students."It's a price that encourages families and friends to see this highly entertaining show more than once," Mulligan said.Tickets can be purchased at the door or in advance by contacting

ring.carol@pvbears.org. A limited amount of reserved seating is available.For further information, please contact Dan Mulligan at

mulligan.dan@pvbears.org or Marcie Mulligan at 610-419-8760.

Shrek 1-Luis Silva, left, plays Donkey and Doug Stangl stars as Shrek in Pleasant Valley High School's performance of Shrek, the Musical. Performances will be held Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Shrek 2-Pleasant Valley High School student Angelica Ramirez prepares for her role as Princess Fiona in this weekend's performances of Shrek, the Musical.