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World Day of Prayer will be celebrated

The World Day of Prayer Service 2015 for the Lehighton-Weissport area will be held at 7 p.m. Friday at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Third and Iron streets in Lehighton.

This worldwide ecumenical service is to celebrate a day of informed prayer and prayerful action. The call for this service is Jesus' words "Do you understand what I have done for you?" written by the Christian women of the Bahamas. As this service begins at sunrise in the Pacific and follows the sun across the globe, organizers ask you to join them as they add their prayers to those of their brothers and sisters.Lehighton Interfaith Fellowship are coordinators of the service.Others participating in the service are:• Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church: host church, and organist Susan Lovejoy, Edwin Belon, Benda Benner, Virginia Crowther, Rae Grow, Julia Kelm, George Markley, Shirley Radler and Bonnie Vito.• All Saint's Episcopal Church: Mary Fay Levendusky• First Presbyterian Church: Shirley Stamm• Grace Lutheran Church: Jean Gothard, Jenny Keiper and SALM Emma WeaverThere will be a time for fellowship after the service.