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Palmerton Rod and Gun Club raises funds for VALOR Clinic

Fundraising efforts of the Palmerton Rod and Gun Club will be used to help veterans who are currently going through recovery and rebuilding stages of their lives.

During a recent event, club president Rod Steigerwalt presented a check for $1,830 to Mark Baylis, co-founder of the VALOR Clinic."We are proud to support our veterans and are forever grateful for their sacrifice" Steigerwalt said.He said the money was raised through the sale of raffle tickets and 100 percent of the proceeds were donated to the clinic, Veterans Assisted Living Outreach, an organization dedicated to providing support for veterans in navigating the process of recovery and rebuilding. VALOR's long-term vision is to be able to provide health clinics, homeless shelters, transition homes and recovery sanctuaries for veterans in need."Our veterans gave so much for this great nation and to this worthy organization," Steigerwalt said.He said the clinic could use additional and ongoing support.The club is collecting towels, blankets and warm clothes for women and children. To find out how to help, contact Laura at


Special to the Times News Palmerton Rod and Gun Club President Rod Steigerwalt, left, and Renée Ahner, club membership committee member, present a check to Mark Baylis, co-founder of the VALOR Clinic.