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Council adding one full-time,two part-time police officers

Palmerton hopes to shore up its police department with the addition of one full-time and two part-time officers.

On a 4-0 vote on Thursday, borough council agreed to offer full-time employment to officer Brian White. Council members Richard Nothstein, Michael Ballard and Holly Sell were absent.White, who is employed as a full-time officer in Nesquehoning, would receive a starting salary of $20.25 an hour.His hiring would be contingent on the successful completion of a psychological examination, physical examination, meeting all the state requirements and meeting all the requirements of the bargaining unit.Councilman Kris Hoffner said White "stood out as the best candidate" for full-time employment.White would fill the position that was vacated after former borough patrolman Robert Cohowicz resigned in March to accept a position with the Stroud Area Regional Police Department.Immediately afterward, council unanimously agreed to offer part-time employment to officers Geoffrey Perry and Stephen Romanic.Both would start at a salary of $16 an hour. Their hiring is contingent on passing a physical exam and making sure all of their state requirements are in order.All three candidates were recommended for the vacant full-time police officer position by the borough's Civil Service Commission earlier this month.