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Call of Honor

The Call of Honor, as recited Tuesday during the dedication of the new state Police at Lehighton barracks in Towamensing Township:

"I am a Pennsylvania State Trooper, a soldier of the law. To me is entrusted the Honor of the Force: I must serve honestly, faithfully and, if need be, lay down my life as others have done before me, rather than swerve from the path of duty. It is my duty to obey the law and to enforce it without any consideration of class, color, creed or condition. It is also my duty to be of service to anyone who may be in danger or distress and, at all times, so conduct myself that the Honor of the Force may be upheld."

Bob Ford/Times News Troopers from Pennsylvania State Police Troop N, Lehighton, recite the Call of Honor at the dedication of the new station Tuesday morning.