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Streets closed for Race Street Run in Jim Thorpe Saturday

On Saturday morning, St. Mark's and St. John's Episcopal Church will hold the ninth annual Race Street Run.

Over 200 runners from the East Coast are expected to participate in either the 4-mile or 15- kilometer portions of the event.

Held on the first Saturday in July each year, this event benefits the bell restoration fund of the church.

The race starts in front of the Carbon County Court House continues on to Mauch Chunk Lake Park and returns to finish in front of St. Mark's Church.

The 15-kilometer race will begin at 8:30 a.m.

The 4- mile race, which follows an abbreviated version of the 15-Kilometer run, begins at 8:45.

Residents of Jim Thorpe should note that Broadway, West Broadway and Lentz Trail will be closed from the Route 209 intersection to Coal Street between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Race Street and High Street will also be closed during that time period.