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Polk Twp. may adopt recycling ordinance

The Polk Township supervisors may adopt a proposed recycling ordinance at the June 23 meeting.

In summary, all domestic, commercial, institutional and industrial recyclables will be collected and removed at curbside, roadside or a similar location, or alternatively brought to the Polk Township Recycling Facility.Residents must either contract with an authorized recyclable collector to have recyclables picked up at their property or alternatively bring them to the township recycling center.The township requires any resident bringing recyclables to the recycling center to purchase a permit, which is currently $90 per year.The ordinance prohibits acceptance of recyclables as defined in the ordinance commingled with any solid waste.A list of recyclable items will be available.The ordinance prohibits open burning of any solid waste recyclables. Although open and burning of leaf waste is not prohibited, it is strongly discouraged.The township will establish an area for residents to drop off leaf waste for composting, and all residents are encouraged to do so.A section for violation and penalties is provided.The ordinance will be effective upon adoption by the board of supervisors.The ordinance, drafted Jan. 31, is to be advertised for possible adoption. A full copy of the ordinance is available at the Polk Township offices. A copy has also been provided to the Monroe County Law Library.New BusinessIn other new business discussed at the meeting:• The 2014 paving contract is for 2.2 miles of Smith Road with an 18-foot width at an approximate cost of $270,000.The bids were advertised May 22 and 29. The bidding closes at 3 p.m. on June 9 and will be opened at 9 a.m. June 10 with the intent of awarding the contract.Resident Robert Andre was curious as to the traffic load of Smith Road to substantiate the cost.Chairman and roadmaster Brian Ahner will review application of the scratch leveling course with the paving company beforehand.Township engineer Russell Kresge suggested future road bids have a few days between the bid opening and awarding of the job.• The township is donating $100 to Monroe County Youth Field Day, to be held Sept. 6. Approximately $15,000 is raised each year to provide an opportunity for youth to learn many types of outdoor field activities.• Applications are available at the township building for a contest through PSATS for youth projects that have made a contribution to the community.• Since the "Entering Polk Township" sign on Route 209 has deteriorated, Charles Gunn was contacted for a new sign. The supervisors had previously reviewed Gunn's design for a sign from a composite material of superior strength and were pleased. Ahner wants to purchase two signs at approximately $450 each.• Resident Todd Serfass reviewed with the supervisors a flooding issue on properties along Trach Drive and requested a drainage solution be considered before future repaving. Kresge and Ahner will meet on site to review the situation, hopefully during a rainstorm. There is a possibility pipes under Route 209 are clogged.• Due to the weight limit on the Floyd Drive bridge, trucks traveling across Carney Road and onto Floyd Drive have caused damage to Floyd Drive. Kresge will review the situation to determine possible signage and the use of additional scratch coat from the paving job to repair Floyd Drive.West End Ambulance AssociationCharles Joseph Dickinson, business manager, and Ronald Eick, board member of the West End Community Ambulance Association, addressed the supervisors, giving an account of future plans, outreach to the community, attendance at the regional township meetings and reorganization of the auxiliary on June 18 at the Saylorsburg station.They reported that from Jan. 1 to May 18, it responded to 1,169 ambulance calls with 154 calls in Polk Township.Dickinson answered questions from residents about the importance of 911 signage and 911 calls with good verbal directions.GPS programs are not yet used on the trucks because of constant upgrades, unreliability and expense.