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Stormwater control, sediment emediation plan to be considered in Kidder Township

Kidder Township Supervisors will look into a plan that will deal with concerns of sediment deposits in the lake and stormwater control.

At Thursday's board meeting, supervisors listened to a brief presentation by Hanover Engineering and Benesch Engineering on behalf of the Lake Harmony Watershed Preservation Group."A quick survey of Lake Harmony is all it takes to see that there had never been a storm water control plan in place," said Jason Smith of Hanover Engineering.The group went on to explain that at this time, members were preparing a quotation for creating a "Concept Plan" for storm water control and sediment remediation."The water shed is actually a very small area," Smith said. "We will develop a plan to pin point the problem areas where the sediment is getting into the lake."The proposed plan would be broken down into tasks and the importance of those tasks would be identified in terms of impact on preserving Lake Harmony. The engineers' estimate that the depth of the lake has been reduced in half due to the run off and sediment deposits.Under old business, the supervisors agreed to membership in the Carbon County Council of Government. The council is open to all 23 municipalities in the county and would act as a collective to help its member communities save money.A motion was also passed to purchases a new police car straight out rather than the original plan to lease it for two years. It is estimated that the township will save $1,000 in finance fees and reduce the 2015 budget by $8,000.The month's current bills were $112,181.30, which is considerably higher than usual. The increase was explained as being related to snow removal.Supervisor Thomas LaFond who serves as roadmaster noted that the township still has plenty of salt.LaFond also said that as soon as the weather cleared, they would be addressing the issues related to pot holes in the township.A motion also passed to begin to clear out some of the old records stored in the township building. The township will arrange to have a shredding company come in and shred the documents that no longer need to be stored.It was also agreed to look into making the shredding company available to residents at a cost.