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Nesquehoning water authority discusses issues with booster pump, reorganizes

At Nesquehoning Water Authority's first meeting of the new year, held Monday, Michael J. Peleshak of Alfred Benesch & Co. said that the old water storage tank was shut down and that the authority was running off the new tank.

The new booster pump station worked well for the first couple of weeks since startups in mid-December, but has since been tripping out due to some unknown electrical issues.EFI, the contractors who installed the booster pump station, is expected to be on site this week to identify the problem and its resolution.Additionally, authority supervisor Mark Lopata, noted that there were some leaks at the pump station that will also need to be addressed.Authority members approved a payment of $29,187.52 as well as payment for change order in the amount of $26,152.77, of which $2,400 will be reimbursed to the authority by Alfred Benesch & Co.Two other change orders were tabled.The authority also reorganized for the new year.Chairman David Hawk, who was recently elected as borough council president said that it would not be "prudent" for him to also remain as chairman on the authority board.Members then elected Gary Porembo as chairman, Frank Parano as vice chairman, Denny Creitz as secretary, William Hausman as treasurer and Hawk as assistant secretary/treasurer.Porembo then thanked Hawk for his many years of service.The budget for year ending Sept. 30, 2014 was adopted and lists a $51,562 deficit.Addressing the prior year figures, Hawk said, "It wasn't a good year."Operating revenues were down $67,521 from the projection.It was also noted that the financial outlook was expected to improve in 2015 after the payoff of a loan.Chemical bids were opened and awarded as follows:Aqua: Mag, $356.95 per drum and Soda Ash, $11.77 per 50-pound bag to Northeast Chemicals.Liquid chlorine: $170 per 150-pound cylinder and propylene glycol, $595.20 per 482-pound drum to Main Pool & Chemical.In other matters, the authority voted to:• Approve the audit performed by Snyder & Clemente and presented in December.• Approve the rehiring of the solicitor, engineer, auditors, operators and office staff.Meetings for 2014 will be held on the second Monday of each month with the exception of October in which the meeting will be held on the Tuesday following the second Monday.