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Stephen S. Palmer High School Class of 1963 reunites

The Stephen S. Palmer High School Class of 1963 gathered for its 50-year reunion on Sept. 6 at the Blue Ridge Country Club. Reunion activities included a historical bus tour, a tour of the S.S. Palmer School, breakfast at Bert's and a presentation at the Lehigh Gap Nature Center. Classmates attending include, front from left, Nancy Horn Chetry, Joanne Eck Perich, Nancy Derewiany Costenbader, Mary Ann Svetik Parsons, Rosanne Kavusak Heydt, Jane Snyder Borbe, Mary Green Levendusky and Romaine Smith Biege; second row, Nadine Standen Miller, Paula Tartar Papay, Betty Furry Thomas, Carol Rodda Underhill, Cathy Marsh Meltsch, Gail Witham Pohl, Carolyn Gerheart Bierman, Diane Heiney Batko and Ruthann Leindecker Kistler; third row, Richard Huszar, Roger Susanin, Gerald Snyder, John Cebrosky, Floyd Gruber, Paul Lupcho and Bill Merics; and fourth row, Harold Nanovic, Willard Weaver, Joel Lesko, Barry Serfass, Charles Perich, William Heydt, Joseph Uhnak, Steve Nagy and Ronald Leibenguth. Missing from the photo is Sharyn Harmady Jenkins and Anne Tisiker Thomas.