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Veterinarian concerned that her facilities comply with local regulations

Dr. Mary Lombardo, owner of Mahoning Valley Animal Hospital, was told by township officials that her attorney would need to speak with the township's solicitor, Attorney Tom Nanovic, to determine what if anything needed to be done to ensure the business was still operating in conformance with township regulations.

The discussion was prompted after Lombardo reviewed the most recently codified set of zoning regulations."We have reviewed them as they have been released and this was the first time we noticed a change that seemed to mean we were not in conformance, and I want to resolve this," said Lombardo.She mentioned there was some urgency from her perspective as she needs to invest soon in a new X-Ray machine at a cost of approximately $80,000.She said she is worried that if the business was in jeopardy due to zoning regulation changes, that she would be replacing it and not be able to use the new one if the township shuts the business down.Nanovic told the board he received communications from Lombardo's attorney and that he would send his analysis of the situation.The hospital originally opened in 1988 and was in full compliance with the codes. Supervisor Bruce Steigerwalt questioned why there would be an issue as she would be grandfathered under the original regulations.Lombardo explained her concern was that the permit originally allocated 25 percent of her home business or 1,400 square feet to the hospital and that it was allowed to have three employees.She said the business currently occupies 1,950 square feet, but she told the board that she understood the percentage in the regulations was the critical part and that when she expanded the business, she also expanded her home proportionately to keep to the 25 percent allocation."I was not told whether they are full-time or part-time employees," she said.She mentioned that a few years ago she talked with Zoning Board Chairperson Chuck Pollock and he told her that it was his understanding she could have three full-time employees at any time but any number of part time employees. She said that he told her that was his understanding but he would not put that interpretation in writing.She became a little emotional as she related that she wants to be a good resident. She said she employs part time people and is trying to be a good business owner. "I have always wanted to ask permission and not have to ask for forgiveness," she said.Chairperson John Wieczorek told Lombardo that he felt at the present time they should see what the attorneys decide as they discuss the regulations and their interpretations before anyone can really do anything.The discussion ended with the understanding the attorneys would determine what would need to be done next and then the process would go from there to make sure the hospital remains in conformance.