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Garbage strewn in alley irks Lehighton resident

Garbage is being strewn on Division Alley which separates Mahoning Township from Lehighton Borough and one Lehighton resident came to complain to supervisors to get some relief for the mess he alleges is created by a Jamestown household.

"I waited twice for the zoning officer and he never showed up," said North First Street resident Grover Moyer, who came to complain to supervisors after stating that neither the secretary nor the zoning officer would assist him.He said he called the township office twice within the last two weeks and was allegedly told by the secretary that the zoning officer would stop in his neighborhood to see him. He claimed he waited for him both times but no one showed up.He also claimed the secretary said there was no ordinance that could handle the garbage issue."That's when I spoke to Ron Gower, a reporter for the TIMES NEWS. He told me that there was a nuisance ordinance. I told him everyone was giving me the runaround and he suggested I come here," said Moyer.Secretary Natalie Haggerty said she spoke to Moyer but never told him she would send the zoning officer to see him.Supervisor Franklin Ruch pointed out that the zoning officer makes his own hours and works part time so Haggerty could not direct him to go anywhere.Zoning Officer LeRoy Leibenguth said he was never contacted about the issue and that this meeting was the first time he heard about the issue.Ruch told Moyer the first step was to determine in which municipality the house causing the problem was located, then they would need to determine the owner and finally send a letter to the person or persons. Moyer showed him several pictures of the property and the garbage and pointed out in one there was a mailbox."How will I know you sent the letter," Moyer asked. Ruch said he could let Moyer know, but that he needed to know the property owner would have 30 days from receipt fo the letter to fix the issue if the house is in Mahoning Township.The supervisors agreed by consensus to initiate the letter process if it was confirmed the residence about which Moyer was complaining was in the township.