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Northwestern holds graduation at Stabler Arena

The 56th annual commencement of Northwestern Lehigh High School was held Sunday at Stabler Center of Lehigh University in Bethlehem.

Kayla Olson and Jennifer Von Holt sang the "Star Spangled Banner."Aileen Yadush, high school principal, welcome the students and audience members. Her advice to the students was that they always continue to face everything with excitement.Class President Emily Gutgold thanked the faculty and staff and said, "Now for the last time I want to address my classmates. Today we can finally say we are graduates. As we leave consider taking your memories with you. Think of the friendships you have made, the person sitting next to you. We all carry the same memories with us."Curtis Lingenfelter told his classmates they should be an inspiration. He urged that they should find something they love whether it is science or the economy."I was able to see enthusiasm this year at the Science Olympiad," he said. "It is a whole new world where everyone loves science."He added, "We are the future decision makers. We will impact the world around us. As long as we demonstrate our love for our career we will make our mark on our world.Joseph Venusto, salutatorian, urged classmates to be the best of the best. He moved to the Northwestern Lehigh School District from New York as a fourth grader and it was an "absolute terror."He said the group here today is most caring and compassionate.Great men have perserverance and passion, he said.He added, "Life is beautiful. Let us explore that beauty."He read a poem, the "Ode to a Farewell" which ended with the words "I know we will remain the best of the best."Venusto introduced the National Honor Society members and Lingenfelter introduced the Science National Honor Society members. Good grades and community service are requirements for the NHS and taking an accelerated science class, doing a science project and tutoring others are requirements for the SNHS.Daniel Masetti, valedictorian, told of the Road to Ithaca. He said each of us begin by running around barefoot and drinking chocolate milk from a sippy cup.He stated that we have journeyed so far from our beginnings. But Odysseus had 10 years of fighting and 10 years on the journey home. It was a life full of adventure and discovery."Do not hurry the journey," he said. "You will meet your own Cyclops, get some friends, face the adventure. Don't forget when you are walking in Patagonia the things that made you what you are."Yadush welcomed Darryl Schafer, president of the board of education. "You worked hard for 13 years to get this little piece of parchment," he said.He told the students that a lesson without pain is meaningless. Over many years each of you have struggled with your demons. You have grown and are now ready to move ahead, whether it is to college or helping grow this wonderful country. I hope you will all look back on your years at Northwestern. I leave you with three gifts: Luck, success and happiness.Megan Witt talked about growing through high school, first as freshmen, then sophomores, juniors and finally seniors. We are waiting for the moment we can throw our caps in the air.She recalled dodging construction workers, attending homecoming dance, fun at the pep rallies, doing community service, and participating in the Walk for Autism. "We owe much of our education to parents and teachers but a lot of it we owe to ourselves," she stated. "We are young but we are unique.""We are young but we have the dreams of mature individuals whether in the health fields, police, military, neuroscientist, designer, engineer or working with wildlife. Our ambition will open the doors to the future," she said.Jacob Fruchtl played "Nightfall" accompanied by Myrena Frantz and Abby Blakeney on piano.Superintendent Mary Anne Wright said graduation is a "bittersweet memory for me. I remember half of you coming in 13 years ago. I remember you walking into my office. Congratulations to all of you and I wish you success."Members of the Class of 1963 attended. Later in the evening they would have their 50th reunion dinner.The diplomas were handed out and Christy Delgado sang "Climb Every Mountain."The tassels were turned and caps thrown into the air. Each graduate received an orange lily from the stage decorations.

Elsa Kerschner/TIMES NEWS Daniel Masetti is the Northwestern valedictorian and Joseph Venusto is the salutatorian, posing for photo prior to their school's graduation Sunday at Stabler Arena in Bethlehem.