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PSBA spring legislative meeting held in Weatherly

More than 30 school board members and administrators from across Carbon County met with local legislators in Weatherly at the Pennsylvania School Board Association (PSBA) Spring Legislative Meeting to discuss critical issues facing public education.

The purpose of the meeting was to provide the opportunity for open, informal discussion between school directors, superintendents, business managers, and legislators about public school successes and the critical issues affecting public education today.Legislators in attendance included Congressman Lou Barletta (R-11th) and Pennsylvania Representative Doyle Heffley (R-122nd).Also contributing was Mark Grochocki, District Director for Pennsylvania Senator John Yudichak (D-14th).Topics of particular interest at the Carbon County meeting the Federal and State levels were :1. Federal re-authorization of ESEA : Title I/IDEA; proposed Legislation with Local School District Flexibility Act (HR 1386); and the Skills Act (HR 803).2. State issues such as PSERS/SERS Retirement funding Crisis and associated Reform measures; Cyber/Charter School funding issues; new Teacher Evaluation requirements; and the Commonwealth's 2013-14 Budget as it pertains to Education.3. Annual PSBA Legislative Update presented by Bradley Roller.4. Election of Carbon County PSBA Legislative Coordinator for Carbon County.The Carbon County meeting is one of 35 similar meetings involving 61 counties across the state each spring and organized by county legislative coordinators and the Pennsylvania School Boards Association.Discussions at other meetings have focused on meaningful charter school reform, basic education funding, and the pension crisis.PSBA is a nonprofit statewide association of public school boards, pledged to the highest ideas of local lay leadership for the public schools of the commonwealth.Founded in 1895, PSBA was the first school boards association established in the United States.

Pictured at the PSBA Spring Legislative Meeting in Weatherly are, left to right : Congressman Lou Barletta (R-11th); Gerry Grega, PSBA Legislative Coordinator/Carbon County; and PA Representative Doyle Heffley (R-122nd).