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A great save

A fast response from firefighters helped to save a Coaldale home from being destroyed by fire just after 6 p.m. Tuesday.

After seeing flames rise up from the stove and cabinets of her kitchen, tenant Holly O'Shea, 24, of 150 Second St., grabbed her 2-year-old daughter and escaped outside, where she called 911.Coaldale Fire Chief Rich Marek and firefighter Jonathan Oakes were first to arrive on scene, as they rushed inside to see rising flames surrounding the east side of the kitchen. Reacting quickly, both used fire extinguishers to slow the fire while other firefighters responded with fire apparatus.Firefighters had to rip the stove and cabinets out of the three-story home to reach rising flames in the wall and to locate hidden hot spots.Marek said O'Shea didn't realize she left the stove on when she went upstairs to check on her baby.Marek also stressed the importance of having fire extinguishers on each floor of a home. He also stressed the importance of contacting your local fire company, as fire companies routinely provide free classes to the public on how to use fire extinguishers.The owner of the home was David Faenza of West Penn Township.On scene were Coaldale and Lansford Fire Companies. On standby were Tamaqua Rescue Squad and fire companies from Summit Hill and Tamaqua.The tenants are staying with family until the power is turned back on.

ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/TIMES NEWS Coaldale Fire Chief Rich Marek looks over burnt debris firefighters placed outside a home that caught fire Tuesday evening. Marek and firefighter Jonathan Oakes used fire extinguishers to slow the growing fire as other firefighters arrived on scene to finish the job.