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Sports theme dominates Men's Banquet at Salem Bible Church

Approximately 100 men and boys from throughout the area recently attended the annual Men's Banquet at Salem Bible Fellowship Church in Mahoning Valley . This year's theme was sports.

"Our annual Men's Banquet gives men a 'guys' night out' in the middle of winter - nothing fancy, just a good, home-cooked meal and guy-time," said Pastor Bob Johnson."We also ask someone to take a few minutes to share some nugget of truth, or how God has been working in his life, in order to point the men who attend to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ."As with most sporting events, the evening started with the playing of "The Star-Spangled Banner." David Westrip of Jim Thorpe provided the musical accompaniment for the evening.Pastor Walter Hill helped with the opening prayer. At age 97, Pastor Hill is retired, but occasionally fills in at church pulpits throughout the area. A classmate of Rev. Billy Graham at Wheaton College , Pastor Hill asked all to pray for his friend who will turn 95 on November 7.Most of the women and girls who helped to cook, serve the food, and clean up at the banquet are members of Salem Bible Fellowship Church . Some also came from other area churches to "lend a hand."The men and boys will be reciprocating in kind sometime around Mothers' Day when the church will be hosting a Ladies' Banquet.In addition to Salem Bible Fellowship Church , partners for the 2013 Men's Banquet include The Bagel Bunch, Burger King, and Fritz's Lanes & Pro Shop.For more information about all that is going on at Salem Bible Fellowship Church , follow the church on Facebook or call 570-386-2578.

MICHAEL A. HEERY/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Pastor Bob Johnson welcomed the approximately 100 men and boys from throughout the area to Salem Bible Fellowship Church in Mahoning Valley recently for the annual Men's Banquet. This year's theme was sports.