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Franklin Township has plans to seat new township supervisor

Franklin Township supervisors named the newest member of the board of supervisors.

At an organizational meeting on Monday afternoon, chairman Rod Green and Paul Kocher appointed township resident Byron Long to fill Larry Smith's one year term of office. Smith recently passed away after serving the township since Jan. 7, 2002. The seat will be up for election in 2013.Long has been a resident of Franklin Township since 1987. He is immediate past congregational president of St. Matthew's Church. He and has wife, Marsha, have two grown children.Long is regional manager of MMG Insurance. He currently serves as a trustee for the Gregory "Segal" Memorial Scholarship Fund Ebbert at the Lehighton Area High School. Mr. Long has also served as president of Lehighton Touch Down Club, Little League Coach, youth soccer coach, youth basketball coach, assistant cub master and treasurer of Cub Pack 187.Long attended the meeting. He said that he will take his seat at the Feb. 19 meeting after he completes all paperwork and takes his oath of office.Long said that his goal as a township supervisors will be to continue making long term plans that will not trip up others follow him in the future."I want to keep making this community better," said Long.