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'The Not-So-Silent Night'

Sunday School students of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Summit Hill presented their annual Christmas Pageant titled "The Not-So-Silent Night" on Sunday.

The play was a light-hearted and modern-day twist on the birth of Jesus. The setting was a courtroom where shepherds Abel, Seth and Josiah, played by Ian Mertz, Alexis Berger and Stephen Hood, were charged with disturbing the peace after becoming excited over the birth of baby Jesus.Judge Willy Snooze, played by Abbey Vermillion, presided while Prosecutor (Joshua Faenza) and Defense (Natalie Vermillion) each presented their cases. The prosecutor's case appeared to be quite solid as witnesses Sophia Busybody (Julia Romankow) Gotta Lotta (Samantha Wildoner) and Dr. Sigmund Fruitcake (Bradely Hood) made their testimonies.The three honest shepherds appeared to make things worse for themselves by admitting to jumping and yelling with joy.In the end, it was the defense witness, Baltasar (Emily Newton) who proclaimed that the birth should "spark excitement in all people" and that "Angels would indeed appear to even lowly humans."With that bold testimony, the case was dismissed.Other cast members included Draeton Ferguson, Alex Romankow, Molly Newton, Arianna Julianno, Kathryn Wargo, Rebecca Jones and Matthew Ferguson.The congregation joined the children in singing Christmas carols throughout the program.

The Sunday School class of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church performed "The Not-So-Silent Night" in front of family, friends and the church congregation during the annual Christmas pageant.