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Women Veterans Manager speaks to BPW members

Patricia Conroy, Women Veterans Program Manager, was the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Tamaqua Business and Professional Women's group. Conroy provided members with information on the unique issues facing women veterans. The Women Veterans Program promotes the health, welfare and dignity of women veterans by ensuring equitable access to timely, sensitive, quality healthcare and gender specific needs. Services are provided to women who have served their country five months ago or five decades ago through the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Wilkes-Barre. The average age of women veterans is 48 years, compared to 63 years for their male counterparts and the number of women veterans using VA services has doubled in the last decade.

Following the presentation, BPW members, as a service organization, voted to assist Ms. Conroy where appropriate with the Women Veterans Healthcare initiative.In other business, members will participate in the Spirit of Christmas Celebration in Tamaqua the first weekend in December. PA BPW Foundation Scholarship deadline has been extended to Dec. 1. The Scholarship provides grants to women wishing to continue their education. The club will be collecting canned goods for the Salvation Army Food Pantry.The next meeting will be held Dec. 4 and will include a holiday celebration. All women in the Tamaqua area are welcome to attend. For more information on the meeting, or the BPW, contact Jean Towle at
