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12,000 mile protest brings walker through Kresgeville

Kenneth Ogan is determined to walk 12,000 miles as a protest. That's a lot of walking.

Wherever he walks, he gets a lot of attention because of the large sign on the top of his head: Walkupy 50: Overturn Citizens United.He certainly got the attention of folks as he walked through Kresgeville last week.On Friday, June 29, 2012, Ogan, a U. S. Army veteran who served in Iraq, started a 12,000 mile trek across America to walk in protest to the 50 state Capitols. His goal is to help overturn the controversial 2010 Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court decision that extended First Amendment rights to corporations and unions, while equating money with political speech.With the Connecticut and New Jersey legislatures recently joining Hawaii, New Mexico, Vermont, Maryland, California, Massachusetts and Rhode Island in calling for Congress to amend the Constitution, only 25 more states are needed.Ogan wants to raise awareness of the issue to the public with the walk, while also lobbying state-level legislatures to petition Congress to call the first Article V Constitutional Convention in U. S. history, allowing for the amending of the U. S. Constitution in order to address campaign finance."Let our feet do the talking" is his slogan as he asks citizens to share his vision by walking at least a mile with him along the way, and he's been joined by supporters in each state he's visited so far.Starting in Camden, Maine, off the northern Atlantic Coast, he has walked over 800 miles already and is headed toward his eighth state house in Harrisburg. He plans to walk his way down the East Coast visiting the original 13 colonies, culminating in a march toward Washington, D.C. He estimates the venture could take in excess of two years, with daily walks between 13 and 18 miles.While he walks he carries with him a military kevlar helmet, which he says "represents my commitment to honor my fallen comrades, and symbolizes the weight I always carry with me of the sacrifice they made."Ogan, a native of Albuquerque, NM, was inspired by the occupy protests but says "I feel the act of walking better symbolizes the progress and forward momentum that campaign finance reform can bring to our political system."The name itself, Walkupy 50, is a play on words on the Occupy theme, while also representing his commitment to visit all 50 states looking for supporters. If you'd like more information about this topic, to schedule an interview, or for a more precise location please contact Kenneth Ogan at (505) 321-0259 or (505) 205-6484 or email walkupy50@gmail. com.

ALICE GINDER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Kenneth Ogan of Albuquerque, NM is on a mission to Overturn Citizens United Supreme Court Decision. His goal is to walk 12,000 miles to all 50 state Captiols, petitioning for an Article V Constitutional Convention on Campaign Finance. He passed through Kresgeville on his way to Harrisburg.