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Artist in Residency program approved at Panther Valley

The Panther Valley School Board on Thursday approved an Artist in Residency program with the Allentown Art Museum. The program includes a 15-day residency of a local artist in the high school this spring. The artist will team with teacher Kim Burkett.

The program will cost the district $1,920. The total cost of the program is $3,840. Of that, $1,920 will come from an Arts in Education grant.In other matters, the board expelled an elementary school student for violating the district's weapons policy. The fifth grade student was expelled/suspended for 10 days, from Sept. 17, through Oct. 1. The student and parents waived their right to an expulsion hearing.The board also approved a new contract and pay rates for Act 93 personnel (administrators), retroactive to July 1 through June 30, 1213.The board also hired Krystle Tiedeman and John Horvath as high school academic coaches from Dec. 13 through May 21; Mary Dugan Figura and Thomas Ferrence as middle school academic coaches from Nov. 5 through April 19, and Donald McGorry and Melissa Gilbert as academic coaches at the elementary school from Nov. 5 through April 19. All will be paid $135 per day.in other matters, the board approved the following substitutes at $85 per day: Ashley Guzinski, Shenandoah: Social Studies; Michael Kohan, Shenandoah, mathematics; Carina Stoves, Lansford, elementary; Kyle Parrish, Albrightsville, citizenship; and Heather Snyder, Weatherly, elementary.