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Redball Rally is a big draw once again

Last weekend the West End Fairgrounds in Gilbert took on the look of a well equipped WWII military base right here in our back yard as the Redball Military Transport Fall Military Vehicle Rally and Show held its two day run there.

The members of Redball Military Transport collect, restore and show antique military vehicles both for the enjoyment of it and also to remember and honor the members of our Armed Forces, past and present.Their vehicles represent military equipment from 1941 on up to the present day.A wide variety of military vehicles filled a large section of the parking area outside of the fairgrounds while inside there appeared to be just about every spare part for them that one could ever need.The vendors also had a vast variety of everything military such as : helmets, uniforms, radios, vehicle parts, nuts, bolts, lights, manuals, etc.You name it, and odds are you would have found it there in one form or another as there was much too see as you walked among the vendors.Visitors to the show also had the opportunity to go for a free ride in a WWII Halftrack or a small tracked vehicle called a Weasel.Food and beverages were also available inside the West End Fairgrounds for the rally's many visitors.The Redball Military Transport organization was established in 1992 and takes it's name from the WWII supply route known as "The Redball Express".The Redball Express kept Allied troops resupplied as they fought their way across France in 1944 in their attack aimed at the German homeland.Their actions during WWII were a vital contribution to the defeat of Nazi Germany.When not working on or displaying their vehicles, members of Redball Military Transport participate in parades, reenactments and civic and Veterans events.In addition to their annual September rally, they also host a Winter Swap Meet every February at Memorial Hall on East 10th street in Jim Thorpe.

VICTOR IZZO/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS This is just a part of the array of military equipment that greetedvisitors to the Redball Military Transport rally just outside the gates of the West End Fairgrounds in Gilbert this past weekend.