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Schuylkill Co. firefighters' parade seen by thousands

Streets, businesses and homes in Pine Grove were lined with thousands of spectators as over 260 firefighter apparatus vehicles traveled past during the 58th annual Schuylkill County Volunteer Firefighters' Association Convention parade held on Saturday.

The parade was one of the last events of the weeklong convention. County fire departments, out-of county departments, six high school marching bands, seven other themed bands, as well as many more organizations and floats drew the attention of all the onlookers during the parade.The parade began with a flyover by a Hershey LifeLion helicopter. Local participants included fire companies from Tamaqua, McAdoo, Tuscarora, Lake Harmony, and others. Following the parade, 128 trophies given out, with two major awards for the best overall fire department and the best overall fire company.

ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/TIMES NEWS Dru Herber, 2, sits on his mother's, Leigh's, lap while his father, Captain J.T., drives a Pine Grove H. H. & L. fire truck.