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Lions members recognized at cabinet meeting

Lions 14-U District Governor Scott Dudley has few tasks to complete before he turns the gavel over to Lions 14-U District Governor Elect Angela Mimms on July 1.

He has visited every club in the district in the past year, held a successful district convention and assisted with chartering a new club.On Sunday, he took the time to thank everyone who contributed to the successful year and positive membership growth at the cabinet meeting held Sunday at Chapel Field, Mahoning Township. He hopes to finish the year with positive membership growth.Dudley noted that at the Multiple District Council meeting held in May, Ed Dudley, PDG, was appointed and approved for the Constitution and By-Laws Committee and Bob Miller, PID, was appointed and approved as the 2016 Multiple District 14 State Convention Chairman.Dudley also noted that the next Lions State Convention will be held in Valley Forge on May 16 to May 19, 2013.On a financial note, Dudley said that he was notified that the election results will see a state dues increase of $1.50 next year and again in the 2013-2014, state dues will increase another $1.50.Multiple District 14 also endorsed Jack Schimmel, PDG, to run an international director.Dudley also said that Lions Liz McElwee and Sharon Kimmel will serve on the District Governor Team of Lions for District Governor Elect Angela Mimms.After making his report, he asked Bob Miller, PID, to make presentations. Miller presented the International President's Leadership award to Charlie Zimmerman who had coordinated the use of the $10,000 grant from Lions Clubs International Foundation for relief after the flood in Pine Grove.Zimmerman had been nominated by DG Dudley in recognition of the work he had done in supervising the use of the grant during the September flood. Funds from Melvin Jones Fellowships and other donations to the foundation are used for such relief efforts.Zimmerman should have received his award at the state convention, but had a family emergency and could not attend.Miller also recognized Bob Argot, PDG, and Sandra Gallagher, Region II chairman, for receiving the International President's Award. Argot chartered a new club while he was district governor, plus served as a zone chairman, and also served as chairman of the Lions Clubs International Foundation and district chaplain. On the multiple district level, he also served on the finance committee.Miller noted that Gallagher was the first female member of the Jim Thorpe Lions Club. Gallagher has been helpful to the secretary of the Jim Thorpe Lions Club and served numerous terms as the president of the Jim Thorpe Lioness Club and has served as Zone Chairman and is presently a region chairman. Miller said that Gallagher coordinated the first cabinet meeting and is active in her club. He also noted that she promoted the tree planting campaign.Both Argot and Gallagher received their awards at the state convention.Dudley then recognized Alicia Shutak-Silliman of the Lehighton Area Lioness Lions Club and Bob Hayman of the Mahoning Lions Club for receiving the Pennsylvania Counselor Distinguished Service Award at the convention."Shutak-Silliman is a zone chairman and doing an excellent job," said Dudley. "She puts in 100 percent into everything she is asked to do."Hayman raised over $10,000 for White Cane by sorting used eyeglasses turned in for recycling by District 14-U members.Also honored was Bob Neumoyer, PDG, and District 14-U Global Membership Team coordinator, with the second place award for new members added to existing clubs in Multiple District 14 through March 31, 2012.Dudley noted that the award belongs to clubs who have made membership growth a big success this year.Dudley said that the Multiple District 14 also won the first place award for net membership growth in Multiple District 14 though March 31.Dudley then presented Marie Gursky, a 25 year member of West Penn Lioness Club with the Lioness of the Year award. She has 17 years with perfect attendance. She is a past club president and is currently serving as club treasurer, a position she has held for many years.Dudley then recognized Gail Maholick, Diana Deloy and Palmer Geist, who received Melvin Jones Fellowships from the district this past year and George Barthelenghi and Don McConnell who received Pennsylvania Fellowships this year at the state convention.Dudley also recognized his mother, Judy Dudley, PDG, for her service as public relations and activities chairman. He also thanked Judy Miller, for serving as treasurer; Sandy Gallagher, Region II chairman; Jerry Reichert, Region III chairman; and Bob Argot, PDG, for being a friend, mentor, Zone Chairman, LCIF chairman and district chaplain. He also recognized Sal Vantrelli for serving as zone chairman; and Alicia Shutak-Silliman as zone chairman.Charlie Zimmerman, Zone Chairman, was recognized for helping residents of Pine Grove during a flood.He also thanked Lioness/Lion Nancy DaCosta for her assistance, plus he thanked Bob Hayman and Jim Koons for helping with the Cabinet meeting and recognized incoming 14-U District Governor Elect Angie Mimms, Liz McElwee, First Vice District Governor elect; Sharon Kimmel, second Vice District Governor Elect and Paul Barth, PDG; Ron Dietz, PDG; and Bob Miller, PID; for helping with the district convention.

Gail Maholick/TIMES NEWS Lions 14-U District Govenor Scott Dudley pins the International President's Leadership award on the chest of Charlie Zimmerman, a member of the Pine Grove Lions Club. Assisting with the presentation was Bob Miller, PED, right.