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Composting classes offered to Monroe County residents

Why spend money on potting soil, fertilizers, and other items for your garden when you can make your own for free, by composting waste you already have?

Turn your scraps into rich soil for planting. This is a great way to recycle your fruit and vegetables scraps, coffee grounds, egg shells, grass clippings, leaves and much, much more.The Monroe County Municipal Waste Management Authority (the Waste Authority) is holding composting classes again this year. Last year's classes were a great success.They will be held the second Saturday of the month, April - June and September and October. The first class is scheduled for April 14. They will have a certified Penn State Extension Master Gardener to speak about residential composting. The classes will start at 9 a.m. and last approximately 1- hours. The classes are free and composter bins will be available to purchase. All classes will be held at the facility in Blakeslee.In order to participate, you must register with the Waste Authority. Hurry classes are limited to 20 people, and will fill up quickly.For more information or to register for class visit the website at

www.thewasteauthority.com, email your information to

cindyparks@frontiernet.net, frontiernet.net, fax to (570) 643-6112 or call at (570) 643-6100.