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Eldred Township sends letters to residents in violation

Eldred Township's solicitor, Michael Kaspszyk, reported at the Wednesday night supervisors' meeting that he sent a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Masi in December about the driveway they installed incorrectly.

He will send another letter and if there is still no reply, they will be in violation of the township's ordinance.Solicitor Kaspszyk said he sent a letter to Donald Kresge, stating he was in violation of work he did on township right-away in front of his property.He not only did not apply for a permit but he also did an improper installation.Solicitor Kaspszyk asked the board's permission, and received it, to send a letter to Bruce Hawk to remind him that the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court upheld Eldred Township's ordinance against building racetracks in the township and that he is to return the land back to the way it was before he built a ATV/motorbike track on his property along Silver Spring Boulevard.It was noted that Hawk has brought in dirt and appears to be preparing a racetrack again.Solicitor Kaspszyk asked the board for permission to advertise for a public hearing to be held at the next supervisor's meeting on Wednesday, May 2 for changes made to the township's pension plan which needs an ordinance amendment.Supervisor chairman/roadmaster Clair Borger said that the road-crew was cutting brush and will be sweeping the roads next.The board approved, 3-0, Resolution 2012-3, Monroe County Hazard Mitigation Plan Resolution.This is required by the Federal government so everyone would know how to handle emergency situations if they arise.Each state must have one.Monroe County developed one for each of its townships and municipalities, formulating them to address specific needs of each. Eldred's deals with clean up after emergencies/disasters and flooding.