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Salvation Army offers classes for the over 50 generation

The Tamaqua Salvation Army has partnered with Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries to offer a variety of exciting, informative, educational classes for people over the age of 50. Diakon Living and Learning Over 50 offers sessions for active adults interested in learning new skills, enhancing current interests and enjoing life more. The curriculum is diverse and focuses on spiritual, educational, physical, social and emotional wellness. Courses include, but are not limited to, computer skills, online selling, stress reduction, musical instruction and art.

Some classes are free, while others charge a small fee to cover costs. Sessions will begin in March. Courses offered at the Tamaqua Salvation Army will include country line dancing, digital photo editing, e-bay selling, oil painting, watercolor, begining pastel and grandparents and me.Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries was founded in 2000 as a private, non profit, chartable organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America with the goal of demonstrating God's command to love thy neighbor through acts of service. Diakon's programs annually serve approximately 70,000 persons in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware, offering a range of services for children, adults, families and congregations. In 2010, Diakon provided more than $14 million in benevolent care.All sessions will be held at the Tamaqua Salvation Army, 105 W. Broad St., Tamaqua.For more information, or to register, call (570) 624-3018, 1-800-621-6325 or send an email to
