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Who home schools?

· The median income for home-educating families ($75,000 to $79,999) was similar to all married-couple families nationwide with one or more related children under age 18 (median income $74,049 in 2006 dollars; or roughly 78,490 in 2008 dollars).

· Homeschool parents have more formal education than parents in the general population; 66.3 percent of the fathers and 62.5 percent of the mothers had a college degree (bachelor's degree) or a higher educational attainment. In 2007, 29.5 percent of all adult males nationwide ages 25 and over had finished college and 28 percent of females had done so.· These homeschool families are notably larger 68.1 percent have three or more children than families nationwide.· The percent of homeschool students in this study who are White/not-Hispanic (91.7 percent) is disproportionately high compared to public school students nationwide.· Almost all homeschool students (97.9 percent) are in married couple families. Most home school mothers (81 percent) do not participate in the labor force; almost all home school fathers (97.6 percent) do work for pay.· The median amount of money spent annually on educational materials is about $400 to $599 per home-educated student.Source: The National Home Education Research Insitute