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Volunteers remind people about elder abuse awareness

In conjunction with Older American Month, May is Elder Abuse Awareness Month in Schuylkill County. Schuylkill Elder Abuse Prevention Alliance, Inc. volunteers are asking poeple to wear silver ribbons throughout the remainder of the month in support of elder abuse awareness.

Types of abuse range from physical, mental, verbal, financial, neglect and sexual.The Schuylkill Elder Abuse Prevention Alliance, Inc. (previously the Schuylkill County Elder Abuse Task Force) is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporate entity comprised of a group of people with an interest in protecting the seniors of Schuylkill County from crimes of elder abuse.The Alliance is active in promoting awareness of elder abuse, teaching the public and elder services providers about elder abuse and esuring that crimes against the elderly are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.If you or if you know or suspect that an elderly person is being harmed or for more information concerning elder abuse awareness, goto

www.schuylkillelderabuse.com or call SCOSC at (800) 832-3313.

ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/TIMES NEWS Schuylkill Elder Abuse Prevention Alliance, Inc. volunteers Catherine Watkins, Activities Director, St Luke's Hopsital - Miners Campus, and hospital resident Maryann Cinque encourage people to embrace and empower seniors by understanding how to stop, prevent or report elder abuse. Cinque is a PEER advocate representative for fellow residents at the hospital. Watkins said that in 2011, 209 reports of need were made to the Schuyllkill County Office of Senior Services (SCOSC) alleging abuse against elders.