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Difference between rabbits and hares

Many people do not know the difference between a rabbit and a hare. Even though these creatures look the same, in fact they belong to entirely different species. The difference between rabbits and hares appears at the moment they are born. Believe it or not - baby-rabbits are called kittens, while baby-hares are called leverets. Rabbits are born completely helpless, naked and blind, while hares are born fully furred, able to see and capable of independent movement. In fact, most hares are able to live on their own only one hour after birth. Hare mothers sometime abandon them on the bare ground and hop away soon after the baby is born. Rabbit's mothers, on the other hand, are much more careful and protective to their children; lining their nest with grass, soft stems and bark. When the rabbit's mother leaves the nest, she will usually cover the bunnies with more hair and dead plants to keep them warm and better hidden from enemies. In the photo above, a wild rabbit in Tamaqua raises its ears higher in the air as it hears the camera click.