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No tax increase for Nesquehoning

Taxpayers in the borough of Nesquehoning won't have a tax increase for the upcoming year.

Councilman David Hawk said a total income of $1,441,343.47 has been accepted and approved for 2012. The total expense for the fire truck fund is $128,738.85. The Sports Complex has a total expense of $18,922.15. And the Sanitation Fund shows an expense of $335,292.57 with a net income of $39,500. The budget was adopted at Wednesday night's meeting.Borough Superintendent Louie Paul gave his report on the 2011 work done as well as next year's projected street maintenance per month. Twenty three inlets were repaired/replaced, thirty two ton of base repair used, 26 ton of top and 198 feet of pipe were used, in addition to other repairs. This was at a savings of $64,255 to the borough instead of paying contractors.The Solar Park is near ready for construction. The borough needs to receive a letter of approval from engineer Ron Tirpak. The Development Agreement was passed.The council passed an agreement on pre-conditions for hiring part time police officers as far as payment of uniforms.They approved the Chief of Police's vacation request to carry over his unused time to next year.Letters will be sent to the mayors of the remaining Panther Valley towns asking their boroughs to participate financially in the Panther Valley Elementary School's DARE program for next year. Since children from all of the P.V. towns are involved in the program, they feel it is only fair for not only Nesquehoning to foot the bill but have the other towns help in the cause.The resignations of borough employees Larry Fox and David Degiglio were accepted.Money will be held back to Eastern Environmental Contractors for work that was not completed at the sewer plant.Michael Sniscak made a motion to start dumping the garbage collected at the Tamaqua dump site. President Mark Stromelo replied that Hegins is till cheaper and will have figures at next month's meeting.There are still two spots open on the Nesquehoning Recreation Commission. Anyone interested in volunteering should stop by the borough office.Nesquehoning Fire Chief John McArdle asked that vehicles parked at the end of Ridge Street should be moved. They are parked illegally and obstruct emergency vehicles from turning around there.The reorganizational meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 3 at 6 p.m. in the borough building.