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Kidder Twp. budget passes with no tax increase

The 2012 Kidder Township Budget passed with no increase from last year at the Thursday meeting of Township Supervisors.

Township Supervisor and Chairman Larry Polansky looked relieved not to be reliving last year's public outcry over shortages, police layoffs, department cuts and tax increases. The tax rate stands at 3.2 mills.Real Estate taxes are coming in at $662,000.0 for 2012 its anticipated, well over earlier years projections. The Enabling taxes also are robust in 2012 with anticipated revenue for the Township at $408,000.00, both totaling $1,070,000,00. One Mill of Township Revenue equals about $219,863.84Some relief is gained in this year's Trash revenues budget with a carryover of $70,000.00 in trash revenue anticipating 2012 a stellar year for trash collections totaling $442,350.00 with expenses falling below at $366,092.00.The Ambulance revenue is only slightly increased $44,000.00 to $47,000.00 in 2012Public Safety will see their expenses cut from 2011 at $534,460 to $486,100 in 2012 with Police Officers seeing a reduced paycheck this year.The Kidder Administrative staff is seeing salary reductions; in addition, the township manager's salary will take a $9,000.00 decrease in 2012 in keeping in line with Supervisor Chairman Larry Polanski lean cuisine budget formula. Debt principle and debt interest of 2010 is satisfied which also can alleviate future constraints for items unforeseen.Highways and Roads will receive about the same amount budgeted as last year. No change in Snow and ice removal budgeted from last year at 20,000.00. The Township isn't anticipating far reaching legal defense or services in 2012 and will keep the legal services contract at 23,000.00 for the year with its' Solicitor.Two Vacancies will be advertised on the Zoning Hearing Board. Newly elected Supervisor Frank Pieri stepped down from the Zoning Hearing Board to take Oath in next month to his new seat vacated by Supervisor Raymond Gluck. Supervisors applauded Supervisor Gluck for his work on the Board. Pieri will assume his position in January. Other vacated seats are open for residents to apply at the Township Building according to Manager John Finnerty, they are The Environmental Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission. The EAC is a unique opportunity to work within a group dedicated to Environmental and Sustainability issues within Kidder Township, a progressive community committed to sustainability, preservation and environmental impact for generations. Contact the Manager for more information and to work on a Committee in January.Lake Harmony Commons Received an extension to submit further plans granted until June 30, 2012, the Chairman reported.