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Tentative budget calls for one-mill tax hike in Summit Hill

Summit Hill Borough Council is expected to give tentative approval tonight to a budget that has a one-mill tax hike.

Although final adoption will be scheduled for Dec. 28, the council indicated it plans to re-open the budget in the new year.The 2012 budget that is being presented to the council tonight shows income and expenses in 2012 to be less than those in 2011.The new budget is based at $1,396,103. The 2011 budget was balanced at $1,419,403.40.Susan Gibisor, borough treasurer, said the budget is based on 16.1 mills. Last year's millage was 15.1.The millage includes 14.1 mills for general purposes, 1.5 mills for street lighting, and a half mill for fire allocation.Trash collection fees will remain unchanged.Under the proposed budget, general government expenses are expected to increase by over $50,000.Legal fees and arbitration fees are expected to be about $40,000, versus $32,000 in 2011.Engineering fees in the proposed budget are listed at $15,500, while in 2011 the engineering fees amounted to $5,500.Debt principal and interest is $20,000 lower in 2012 than in 2011, partly because a loan for a police cruiser was paid off.Employee health insurance shows a $40,000 reduction from last year. In 2011, health insurance for employees cost $119,674, while in the 2012 budget, there is $78,356 allocated.