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Children's Remembrance to be observed Dec. 11 at Zion UCC in Lehighton

Worldwide Children's Remembrance Day will be held at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11, at Zion United Church of Christ, Second and Iron streets, Lehighton.

The service is a time to commemorate and honor the memory of children who have died at any age from any cause.This observance was initiated by The Compassionate Friends, an international Bereaved Parents organization, as a gift for families to remember the children who have died too soon, but will never be forgotten.This is the first time this event will be held in Carbon County.The service will include a reading, music and candle lighting, along with recognition of the children being remembered.Participants are invited to create and bring an ornament that honors their child, which may be placed on the "Remembrance Tree," to be displayed throughout the holiday season.Parents are also encouraged to include a photo and/or the name(s) of the child (children) being remembered on the ornament.Light refreshments and time for fellowship will follow the Candle Lighting Service.For more information email

davelora@ptd.net, or phone (610) 377-6188.