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Races decided in Coaldale and West Penn Twp.

There were not many local races yesterday in the TIMES NEWS coverage area for the general election. The lack of local races may have contributed to the very low voter turnout in Schuylkill County, despite the fact there were races for commissioner and "row" offices.

Here are the local winners of the contested races.CoaldaleIn Coaldale there was a race for four seats, four year terms on council with five canidates vying for the positions.The winners were Nancy Lorchak, who got 375 votes, followed by Michael J. Doerr, 322; Thomas D. Keerans Sr., 257; and Steve Tentylo, 254. The odd man out is Paul F. Coppie, who got 202 votes. Lorchak and Doerr won both nominations in the primary. Both are Republicans as is Keerans and Tentylo.West Penn TownshipIn West Penn Township there was a race for a six year term on the board of supervisors.Republican James G. Dean defeated Democrat David A. Zeigler in the race. Dean gathered 483 votes to 399 for Zeigler.There were three auditor positions to be elected with a lone candidate for the six year term. Thomas P. Gibiser got 746 token votes. There were no candidates for two and four year term auditor but there were 18 write-in votes for the two year term and 34 for the four-year term. Write-in votes will be counted on Friday at the courthouse in Pottsville.McAdooIn McAdoo there was a race for four, four year term seats on council.Republicans won three of the four races to gain control of the council. GOP winners were Mary A. Labert with 391 votes; William J. Slovik with 341; and John A. Perhonitch with 299. Democrat Marion DeBalko finished third with 304 votes.Those finishing out of the running were Republican Lisa A. Klemas 285; and Demos Rose Ann Lutz 249, Marla S. Furlani 226, and Rick Snyder 203.Mahanoy CityIn Mahanoy City there was a race for council with four seats, four year terms, to be elected and five candidates on the ballot.It was a clean sweep for the Democrats with the winners being Francis P. Burke 699; Thomas R. Flamini 678; Patti Schnitzius 582; and Robert J. Lewis 568. The odd man out is Repubilcan Larry Levy Jr., who got 540 votes.MiddleportIn Middleport there was a race for two seats, four year terms, on council with three seeking the positions.The winners were Democrats Elizabeth McClure with 71 and Leo J. Oswalk with 70 votes. Odd man out was Republican Thomas J. Vrabel Jr. ; who got 55 votes.Kline TownshipIn Kline Township there was a race for a six year term on the board of supervisors.Republican Nicholas Sanko defeated Democrat Eugene Moisey, 239-112, for the post.Mauro S. Notaro got 333 unopposed votes for auditor, six year term.Ryan TownshipIn Ryan Township there was a race for tax collector to fill an unexpired term of two years.Democrat Mary T. Peca won the race defeating Republican John M. Kowalchick, 390-182.Republican David R. Morgan was unopposed for a six year term as supervisor getting 480 token votes. For auditor, GOPer David J. Kintz Jr. got 448 unopposed votes, six year term.Rush TownshipThere was a race for auditor in Rush Township yesterday.Republican William Boyer defeated Democrat Robert J. Pitts for the post, 482-338.Jeaninne Motroni won both nominations in the primary for supervisor, six year term, and got 730 tallies.Other resultsOther voting results yesterday.TamaquaTamaqua had no races Tuesday.Four Republicans were on the ballot for four council seats, four year term.The vote totals were Kenneth A Smulligan 817; Brian Connely 772; Thomas Cara 697; and Stephen Tertel 556.Tertel was on the ballot but has since resigned from council and has moved out of state. Council will now appoint someone to the position. There were 62 write-in votes which will not change the results.Richard Hadesty Jr. got 837 unopposed votes for auditor, six year term.New PhiladelphiaIn New Philadelphia there were three seats up for council with three Democrats running and winning. The vote totals were Mary L. Shanoskie 242; Edward J. Slane 226; and Debra Smith-Sullivan 172.New RinggoldThere were three seats up for election in New Ringgold for four year terms on council with only two names on the ballot.Elena Hendricks got 47 votes and Elizabeth Blaker Fry 41. There were 52 write-in votes, so the third seat might have been filed. Write-in votes will be counted on Friday at the courthouse in Pottsville.Schuylkill TownshipThere were no races in Schuylkill Township. The winners were:Fro six year supervisor seat Charles A. Hosler got 166 unopposed votes, and Christine Verdier 174 for a four year term. Both are Republicans.For auditor Democrat Aggie Kane got 158 unopposed votes.Walker TownshipIn Walker Township Republican Craig Wagner was unopposed for another six year term as supervisor and got 217 votes.Delano TownshipIn Delano Township there were no races.Democrat Jay Ryan got 97 votes for six year term as supervisor and Demo Sharon Kuropatsky 100 votes for auditor, six year term.East Brunswick Twp.There were no races in East Brunswick Township.Republican Jeffrey Faust got 330 unopposed votes for a six year term as supervisor.Blythe TownshipIn Blythe Township Albert J. Lubinsky got both party nominations in the primary for a six year term as supervisor and got 235 votes. Democrat Theresa A. Hinchey got 206 unopposed votes for auditor.