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Bullying to be addressed in presentation

In the wake of a number of suicides in the United States by teenagers who have been bullied by classmates, Behavioral Health Associates continues its anti-bullying initiative with a special presentation in conjunction with the Jim Thorpe Area School District.

"In & Beyond the Schoolyard-Addressing Bullying as a Community Issue" will be presented Monday, Nov. 7 starting at 6 p.m. in the Jim Thorpe Area High School LGI room.The panel of presenters include Jim Thorpe Police Joseph Schatz, Jim Thorpe Area School District Superintendent Barbara Conway; Jim Thorpe Area High School Principal Thomas Lesisko; Carbon County Deputy Chief Juvenile Probation Officer Kimmy Mulik; Student Services Coordinator at Behavioral Health Associates Lynai Miller; and Dr. Helene Katz, a licensed staff psychologist with Behavioral Health Associates and key organizer of BHA's county-wide anti-bullying initiative.The panelists will identify warning signs that indicate your child may be a victim of bullying. They will discuss how to access help from your child's school as well as what to do if your child is being bullied in the community.Holly Mordaunt, Jim Thorpe Area School District Elementary School Principal, and Dr. Helene Katz encourage all parents, teachers, caregivers, skilled workers and professionals who work with school age children to attend. There will also be a short question and answer session for attendees.Behavioral Health Associates is a non-profit healthcare foundation based in the greater Lehighton area. For additional information contact Holly Mordaunt

hmordaunt@jtasd.org (570) 325-2703