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Raising Charlie a community effort

Dear Editor:

In June of 2010 we brought a 7 week old black (golden retriever, labrador retriever cross) puppy named Charlie into our family from The Seeing Eye in Morristown, N.J. As a puppy-raiser our responsibility was to socialize him and give him as many opportunities as possible until he was old enough to return to The Seeing Eye for formal training.The Seeing Eye supported us through frequent emails, visits, and a well established puppy club in Tannersville.We never imagined that so many people in the area would join us in our mission to raise Charlie. We'd especially like to thank the Lehighton Area School District who welcomed Charlie at all school events, the staff and students at Shull-David Elementary who encouraged and loved him every day, Dr. Squires at Forest Inn Veterinary who donated all of her services for Charlie, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mahoning for welcoming him at church, and the many businesses and organizations who gave Charlie access.Raising Charlie was truly a community effort!On October 19 Charlie returned to The Seeing Eye for his formal training. He has passed his initial health screening. Charlie will continue working with professional trainers for approximately four months as he learns to be a Seeing Eye Dog. His ultimate mission is to give someone independence with dignity.Thank you to everyone who supported The Seeing Eye and their mission by loving Charlie.With greatappreciation,Ryan, Jan, Nolan & Logan WentzLehighton