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Emergency personnel were honored by special service in Palmerton

With the singing of "The Star Spangled Banner" by Katie Frey, a 9/11 memorial service began at the Palmerton Community Festival. Although it honored those who died 10 years ago, it also honored those emergency personnel who serve in the local communities.

On stage were Joe Rogowitz; Dennis Behler; Katie Frey; Wayne Nothstein; Mayor Brad Doll; Jane Stroup, master of ceremonies; Clayton Borger; Rich Bachert; Mike Spairana; Bill George and Larry Arner.The Lord's Prayer was recited.The welcome was given by Stroup. She said, "In the darkness there was suddenly light. These lights were the heroes, the first responders who did not ask 'what's in it for me.' The American spirit really shone on that day. We pay tribute to those who were lost."Palmerton Mayor Brad Doll said the Community Festival says it all. I'm so proud you care for those Americans. Ten years later the festivals all across the country still go on. Thanks to the professionals who saved so many that day. God bless America.Stroup saw a uniformed serviceman in the audience and invited him to come forward and take part in the ceremony. He was Jeffrey Rossmann, a member of the U.S. Navy Reserves.She said each time she hears a siren she says a silent prayer - "Please keep them safe."Carbon County Commissioner Wayne Nothstein said it was an honor to be there among our veterans. We are here to show our patriotism. He said people should properly fly the flag."Remember our heroes, the 400-plus emergency personnel. They chose to enter the buildings when they did not know if they could come out alive. The war on terror will not end," said Nothstein.Palmerton Fire Chief Dennis Behler said in New York City a fire department rings a bell when someone dies during an emergency. The bell code is 55-55. He rang a bell on stage with the code for those who did not come home on 9/11.Frey sang "Amazing Grace" and Al Kohler played "Taps."

Members of Palmerton and West End Fire companies were thanked for what they do for their community.