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State police place 181 trucks out of service in Pa.

State Police placed 181 trucks and 30 commercial drivers out of service during Operation

C.R.A.S.H. (Commonwealth Rural Roads and State Highways), an enforcement effort staged Aug. 24."Our mission is safety: the safety of trucks, the safety of those who are behind the wheel and the safety of everyone who shares the road with them," said State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan.State police inspected 1,112 commercial vehicles, resulting in 687 traffic citations, during the one-day enforcement effort.In addition to placing vehicles out of service and issuing traffic citations, troopers handed out 1,477 written warnings for vehicle and driver violations. Of all the trucks inspected, 62 percent resulted in the identification of at least one driver or vehicle safety deficiency.According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than half of all truck crashes occur on rural roads. During Operation

C.R.A.S.H members of state police motor carrier enforcement teams focused their attention on inspecting trucks in rural areas and on non-interstate highways.For more information about the PA State Police visit their website at
