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2nd annual Amazing Lehighton Race set for September 10th

The Lehighton Downtown Initiative Committee is looking for teams of two to compete in this year's 2nd Annual Amazing Lehighton Race that will be held on Saturday, September 10th, rain or shine, starting at 9am at the Band Shell behind the Lehighton Municipal Building.

The Amazing Lehighton Race is a mildly physical and mental competition on a 4 to 5 mile course with 10 stops along the way. Each stop will give you a clue to your next position. Four of those stops are "roadblocks" and have minor mental or physical challenges regarding the tasks to be completed to gain the next clue in the race.Contestants can't use cell phones, GPS devices, and any other electronic devices. However, contestants can ask pedestrians on the street or a business for help with a clue to get to the next destination. If you can't complete a roadblock or fail to turn in a clue you will be penalized. The winner will be the team with the lowest time from start to finish including all penalties. Contestants should bring a backpack with water, a small notebook, and pen.First prize is $1,000. Second prize is $250. Third prize is $100. The registration fee is $50 per team with proceeds to subsidize ongoing LDIC improvement projects. Each team member gets a commemorative LDIC Amazing Lehighton Race T-shirt.To register contact LDIC President Todd Zimmerman at 570-778-2384 or by e-mail at

toddpzimmerman@yahoo.com. You can download a race registration form at the LDIC website

www.experiencelehighton.com All contestants are asked to be at the Band Shell no later than 8:30 a.m. Race starts promptly at 9 o'clock.