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A 'Mission Week' on the homefront

The Trinity Youth Club of Trinity Lutheran Church, Lehighton, recently took part in a "Mission Week," but the projects weren't in some foreign land.

Their worklist included the homefront.The group spent two mornings helping members of Franklin Township Lions Club do painting and other fix-up duties at Franklin's Phifer's Ice Dam playground."They were a tremendous help," said Lions Club president David Hawk. "They were here in extreme heat and it didn't seem to phase them."Their work included weeding, picking up litter, sanding and staining a total of 51 posts, painting lines in the parking lot, and painting steps leading from one elevation to another.Len Eckhart, a Lions Club member, said much work was done at the playground this summer, and the help from the youth group "was certainly appreciated."Sherry Paules, director of the Youth Club, said throughout the week there were 15 students and 11 adults who participated in the Mission Week activities.On the first day of Mission Week, the club visited shut-ins throughout the Lehighton area and did weeding, washed windows, and performed other chores.On Tuesday, the day was spent at the church painting the nursery, and helping with the pantry and Thrift Shop.Cookies were baked on Wednesday and the group attended "Christmas Continued" at the Summit of Blue Mountain Health System in Lehighton.The Thursday and Friday of the week was spent at Phifer's Ice Dam.

Ron gower/times news Repairing the sod at the Phifer Ice Dam playground in Franklin Township are, l-r, Paul Kocher and Cliff McFarland of the Franklin Lions Club, Jacob Hoffner and Caleb Carpenter of Trinity Youth Group, and Karl Gross, a Lions Club member.