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Lansford police report for June

Lansford Police Chief John Turcmanovich has released his report for June:

There were 317 calls for service. Criminal arrests: seven (four felonies including forgery and arson, three misdemeanors including DUI, assault, and drug possession) three defendants committed to prison; traffic citations: 14; nontraffic citations: 30; parking tickets: 11; Be-on-the-lookout: six; accidents: nine; alarms: three; animals: 10; arson: one; assist agencies:12; assist police: 11; assist persons: 14; assaults, physical: three; burglary: one; check residences: two; check area: 17; civil: eight; code enforce/ ordinance:one; criminal mischief: four; welfare checks: 10; 911 hang-up /open line: eight; disturbances: nine; domestic: 15; drug complaints/investigations:eight; fireworks: two;information: 18; fight: four; fire call: one; follow ups: 21; harassment: 16; hazards: six; disorderly conduct: three; court: five; protection-from-abuse orders: two; noise: four; parking: six; public drunkenness: one; loitering: one; shots fired: one; suspicious activity: seven; thefts: 11; traffic: 16; missing person: one; unwanted person: three; DUI: one; warrants: one.Police vehicle monthly mileage: Unit 101 (2009 Ford)- 1,896 miles/ ending mileage - 24,307; Unit 102 (2007 Dodge) - monthly mileage: 1,539 miles, ending mileage - 63,259; Unit 103 (1997 Ford) monthly mileage: 235 miles, ending mileage - 114,246; Unit 104 (2006 Ford) - out of service.