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JT Lions take on new community project

The Jim Thorpe Lions Club has announced that it will now be managing and coordinating the Jim Thorpe Halloween Parade which this year will be held on Sunday, October 30th at 4 p.m. Among some of the changes that will be made will be a change in the parade route from past years with the parade now going "downhill" starting at Olympian Way to Center; Center to Ninth; Ninth to North; down North to Fifth; over to Center; down Center to Second Street where the parade will disband with participants bussed back to Memorial Park for refreshments and awards. Present during the announcement were, left to right : William Reabold, Jim Gallagher, Sandy Gallagher, Kathy Schwartz, Ron Sheehan, Debbie Trainer, and Jim Trainer. Anyone desiring more information about parade sponsorship or participation can contact Jim Trainer at (570) 325-4104 or Ron Sheehan at (570) 325-4244.